this is my shared house cat, her name is jasmine. she is very lethargic.

thats me brudda. his name is chance and he had JUST got his haircut. this photo was taken en route to the airport as i was closing out my xmas holy day weekend stay

i came home to a $75 gift card to target and the first thing i did when the new year hit was went to spend that shit. among other things i bought a dvd player and a mop but you know i splurged and bought the best incidentals that target had to offer. but upon getting home i realized my lotion was missing. i hate when you leave some shit at the register, L. but my favorite part of that atlantic mall target is the cart escalator. apparently im not alone cus i hear adults and kids alike marveling at it in amazement. i want to ride in a cart on the escalator

this is me right now typing this blog. i dont feel like rotating the photo but i put it up to illustrate a point. the heaters in my apt make the air really dry and it makes it really hard to breathe. i woke up yesterday at 7.30 gasping for air with a really raw throat. a friend recommended i sleep with a scarf over my face and since she is the home remedy queen i decided to give it a go. needless to say it works and i will be rocking this shit at random in my apartment from now on*. so if yall come over and you see me like this its because it helps me breathe, no wacko jacko
okay time to get dressed for work...
* or at least until i buy a humidifier
**new episode of lessondary radio is up btw ->
my folks bring the dogs along to the airport to see me off too.
put a bowl of water by the heater(s). the heat will vaporize it and put some moisture into your air.
I bet you could cop a humidifier for cheap on ebay.
And lol @ the lethargic cat. I know about that all too well.
At least your heat lets you sleep until 7:30. Mine wakes me up at 5am like lucifer is sitting on top of my sucking the air from my lungs.
Can't sleep with anything around my face or neck. Imma try the bowl thing though...
Yeah, get you a humidifier. Or do as Tia said.
Also, VPND ep is DOPE this go round, as are the others, but yall played some BANGAS!
Chance is the cutest. And "Baked Beans" is awesome.
my bluff has been called
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