Tuesday, January 29, 2008

pick one, anyone, its all the same thing, dope!

donwill is...

ilwill is...

tanya morgan to go!


this is the song that bound me and dj low key for life. last time we were out there for the low key, dondub, che grand b-day extravaganza fest o rama bonanza between drunkenly espousing* 'i love my life' mantra and partying he requested that i do this song. to this day i dont really know the words, alot of times i write em and abandon em for a myriad of reasons. well i was off that sparks (YO CHE GRAND! GO IN NIGGA! GO IN!) so i was like fuck it okay and i tried to do it and failed, miserably. amazingly enough the crowd knew this shit! maybe im buggin but i remember them doing my verse for me, a mixtape song at that! damn that was a good time...

*did i use this word right?


Anonymous said...

Espouse |iˈspouz|
verb [ trans. ]
1 adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life) : she espoused communism.
2 archaic marry : Edward had espoused the Lady Grey.
• ( be espoused to) (of a woman) be engaged to (a particular man).

(had to look that one up too)

Donald Williams said...

so i used it right

Anonymous said...

learn your songs! its your art!

thatdudedave said...

as many songs that you are on...
it would be hard as hell to keep track

Anonymous said...

this is wat it means to GO IN!!! good shit Don... shud it sound so choppy in parts? i dont have MIA1 just MIA2

DJ Low Key /// djlowkey.com said...

Yeah Don, learn your damn songs!

And Luca and whoever else cares, you can download MIA #1 at http://www.djlowkey.com/?p=21

tia said...

u look 3 apples high in that first picture.

Anonymous said...

In Ya Face!

Good shit in Denver Dukes....