dont stare, take a picture (c) me
shout out to warner nash for the photos
i cant tell you guys about today cus today has been just kinda hectic. imagine entourage with alot less glamour and glitz. just the phone call parts, all the wheelin and dealing.
today i did nothing that i planned to do for real. i did a bunch of stuff that popped up as a result of discussing our prize with myspace/xm. and unfortunately since my FUCKING PHONE SPEAKER FINALLY BROKE i cant call von pea and inform him yet. :/ maybe he will find me on aim.. i was tryna wait til th eday after thanksgiving sale to cop a new one to see if i can get it for the doorbuster or some shit but i may just have to go ahead and charge it.
whatever man...
so yeah those photos are from the lexington show. a great fun wonderful show we did with the cunninglyguists and tonedeff. i also updated my flickr if you were interested in seeing my experiences on the road.
okay i need to go try and get this money...
good how was your show @ the Shadow Lounge in the Burgh??? I remember when that place was just a hole in the wall....I think my bol (Living Proofe opened for yall)...glad it's still going strong
yeah i connected with living proofe. he is good ppls
the show was CRAAAZY. i was all over the damn room it was by far our best performance on the tour. i think i was sentimental because it was out last show...
yessir..he is definitely good peoples..I'm glad the show went well..people be sleepin on the Burgh..good hip hop there...felicidades! :)
I like the blue smoke photos; it's dope. But I don't get the maya campbell reference :/
And congratulations on completing the tour. Y'all deserve all the get stuff that's been coming to you.
my shirt has a photo from maya campbells porn shoot on there
Oh, okay. I see (said the blind man).
The wells run dry, hasn't it? Quoting yourself?
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