Sunday, March 16, 2008

i dont know if sun zu would agree with me...

i stole this picture from richard's flickr

in my tipsy state a thought passed my mind. i think that a strong person that thinks they are weak is alot more annoying/dissapointing than a weak person who thinks that they are stong. i cant remember why i was thinking this but it was literally the only thought in my head for about an hour. okay it wasnt the only thought but it was definitely heavy on my mind

i really like that photo, alot. i actually think i just wanted to post and use that image as the update image but had nothing to say. nah thats not it, cus i really do kinda believe the above paragraph to be true. i know i had more to say on it but now that im typing my mind has went kaput.

imma go finish eating my crown chicken snack box now.

btw mel d cole had some dope shots from the 99cent party too. the ones of me doing my patented black thought impression are great


bananaclipse(3.0) said...

Yo those ppl are super annoying. Either they want you to feed the ego, or they really think they are weak. Which ultimately makes them worthless imo.

Anonymous said...

um, what the fuck were you drinking? Remind me not to touch it. Sounds like one hell of a buzz killing thought.

Semi-Random story: The other day I was in a car with a 8 or 9 year old or so, driving around enjoying the weather and laughing and being happy. Out of fucking nowhere homegirl taps me on the shoulder and goes "Amanda, do you ever stop and think that while you're sitting here having fun there are people that are sick and dying?"

I was speechless. Mostly because she was right. But what's up with the little kids these days! So morbid. What happened to that childhood innocence and pure bliss? Anyway...

bananaclipse(3.0) said...

talk about a buzz kill

UltraMag said...

Dammmmn, Rich & Mel's pics look really good!

Errrr... I'm not sending y'all mine anymore, lol

They put me in my amateur, "dancing while picture taking" self... :-/

Che Grand said...

ultra mag dont worry, the aim was to make you dance! :-)