Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the only time im in xxl's when im... (c) von pea

congrats homie!

way back in 05 when TM got their slot in XXL's show and prove section we came to nyc for the photoshoot and slid thru the magazine's offices to meet the staff and figure out how it was all gonna go down. the homie scott (aka mr suburban sprawl cover artist :) introduced us to king's EIC datwon and when we walked into his office he was coincidentally bumping the sunset ep and couldnt stop talkin about how fresh it was. i still remember that shit like yesterday for real. when a tastemaker says they like your work, you dont forget that shit, ever.

fast forward to a feb 2008 and now in addition to his post at King he has assumed the same role at XXL... HUGE! and even crazier is this quote from a press release that came across my email.

Thomas, 32, told Journal-isms on Thursday one of his priorities would be to connect the magazine more to music on the Internet, since that is where more of his readers are finding it. "You can give them a basis for choosing what is quality," he said. "There's so much going on in hip-hop that isn't being reported," he said, mentioning such artists as Tanya Morgan.

to read the full article click here
and scroll down a bit

we major!?! come on homie we major....

no but seriously, im not gonna speculate on what that means for the future but i will definitely do my part to ensure that XXL has some great music and an exciting campaign to cover if they so choose to. the fact that datwon has remained accessible, true to form and still remembers who we are is very humbling.

good looks datwon and congrats on the new gig fam. hard work just gets you more work and a bigger pay off at the end of the day and we all got alot of work to do in 08.


angie said...


Anonymous said...

WOW. That's great Donweezy.

Anonymous said...

I second what Angie said. "WOOOO!" was my thought exactly. Verbatim.

Anonymous said...

real talk dub, i STILL have that magazine. shit i may not toss that one now.

sophistiphunk said...

...wearin' a shirt & that huuuurts!
ha. i love that verse.

vonpea.com said...

thats cool!

Donald Williams said...

no von, cool is sophistifunk knowing your verse


Canela_NYC said...


And you have a growing fan base in Japan as well. Just FYI...

Donald Williams said...


tell me more

Canela_NYC said...

I did. U left the cbox. I sent my boy Seiji BT2 and he wants more. Real hip-hop is like crack in Japan.


Donald Williams said...

give him this link:


and ask if he know anybody bookin shows

dondub said...

beat thieves one:


random tanya morgan:


Anonymous said...

that's the inspiration right there

I wanna be half of what Datwon is now in 4 years

somebody create me a half-editor position by the time im 32.


vash...thee lvvr said...

i have a gift for u on my blog. a real tongue teaser!!!!

thatdudedave said...

who's tanya morgan?
is she pretty?

LOQuent said...

sir. will dukes