Cookin up some marvelous shit (c) raekwon
Few weekends ago we went to johnny rockets and von said "how come nobody sells a turkey burger with turkey bacon?"Not only has it been on my mind everyday since but it sounded interesting so I made me one today. Ask somebody about my cooking skills. Im legendary in the hood son.
Ayo von, that shit was delicious fam. I shall dub it the Pea Burger and preach its gospel to anyone with taste buds.
Get you some...
Im on my way to brick's crib to see about some beats.
turkey bacon is the shit.
next time you wanna try something different with a burger...chop up the bacon small and put it IN the burger. the flavor of the turkey bacon goes through the ground meat and just makes it yummy.
I just ate but now you're making me hungry again.
the pea burger! lol
I want a pea burger. Actually, I want Pea without the burger.
ooooh damn exex is really going after her man!
Slimzel Washington, I'm calling you! LOL.
YUM. That does sound tasty!
we got a caf at the job and a no-swine cook and i'm constantly tryin' to get him to get us some turkey bacon in this spot.
soon, soon.
I tried to get a Turkey Burger just a few days ago at IHOP...
Ruby Tuesdays actually has a bomb Turkey Burger.
Its practically the only good thing they do have...
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