so yeah upon my return from canada i found a pink slip in the mail that led to a box full of these. This very well may be the last run of I TAPE TM shirts. It all depends but this will definitely be the last in this colorway. If i do another run it will be the black shirt/gold letters/ red cassette. We are working on getting a string of shows (dontwannasaytheTword) together and I'll definitely have some on hand for that... okay who am i kidding there will be at least one more run of the I TAPE TM shirts, one more very large, financially straining run to tide me and yall over till spring/fall when i unveil the sweatshirts...
Im just not tryna bleed my pockets dry ya know? cus as much as i like making these shirts i gotta pay for em and for me to pay for em yall gotta buy em (thanks to those of you who did)
if i still had a 9to5 it would be alot easier, id just finance the shirts outta my disposable cash and we'd have runs of 250 shirts n shit. speaking of day jobs i have been on probably 5 interviews in the last 2 months. i got another one tomorrow but i have accepted a temp assignment at *** starting in late june. that should get me over for a while. all i know is that i am not cutting the hawk until i feel like it, period. but who cares about that stuff? yall want rap news right? too bad, its my blog and i talk about what i please lol. if i can just get enough $$$ to buy a proper digital camera ill be happy man
okay now i gotta go play store and get ready for another hectic day.
The red, the black and the greeeen, with a tape! sisssyyyy!
Theses look great!
is my shirt in this batch?
1. gimmie
2.I left my trains in your car
spec i thought about you and your spizikes when i saw em...
Yo so you know i have to get mine. Yo I keep forgetting to ask who does Silkk the Shocker on WTF. That shit is hilarious, scratch that uproarious. Anyway it was good seeing my favorite rap group mingle amongst the commoners Thursday. I just listened to Hooks and really scienced it for the first time. Whoa. They say true greatness is never appreciated.
Bam - Czar of the Morganites
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