Thursday, May 17, 2007

Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival Press Junkett

The brooklyn hiphop festival press junkett was yesterday and i talked to several journalist about tanya morgan. I forgot how to give an interview without rambling BUT i did remember to lose the dead eyes that have plagued my press photos, at least i feel like i did. I also bumped into several of the other acts. I ran into large professor, skillz and dres. Uncle ralph was there too. It was kinda weird meeting large professor for some reason, not weird in a bad way but weird in an 'oh shit son!' way. People have said i look like dude for years and being inches away from him i can say that its not true, i maybe look like a late ninties large pro but not the 07 version. he was cool as shit tho, i told him the name of our group and he was like 'didnt she make that song heartbeat?'


ill let you crate diggers and breakbeat heads figure that joke out. that shit cracked me up. skillz was chill as shit too i aint really get to holler at him tho but i did get to talk to dres. basically the homie alma was like hey don did you meet dres? im like nah man so she takes me over to dude and he is eating so off RIP im thinkin 'damn man i cant just be talkin to a nigga while he eats cus i know how i am about eating and talking and you know the dude may just wanna eat' but i still found myself standing between him and his plate of food. introductions were made and then we kinda got into small talk and the conversation drifted to 'so what yall (TM) up to?'

now me, von and any of the other artists in the crew have this ongoing dialogue. part complaining, part venting, part amazement; it runs the gamut of several emotions. me and von were coming off of a rather somber discussion of the business and things in general and i promised von and myself that i would NOT complain. So when dres asked the question i kinda just said something along the lines of 'tryna get shows and expand our fanbase, shits hard' and son kicked a jewel at me. he said "its hard? man we lucky. its people that are sitting at their job and this is our JOB. you gotta look at it like a job man, its hard work but we are lucky to be doing what we love." (im paraphrasing at this point cus i as the night progressed i drank alot of that free beer lol) i validated his response and then he was whisked away by a photographer who wanted a shot of him by the AMP'd mobile thing.

and you know what he is right, it is a job and everybody wants a raise, wants more benefits, wishes they played a bigger role in the corporation, envies a coworker, etc (the analogies are endless) and that lends itself to standin by the water cooler complaining. Its not like i didnt know he was right but hearin him say it at that moment (ask von about our conversation at wendy's) resonated. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. If you have been here for more than a month you know that i have aired out quite a bit of my dirty laundry with hip hop and i have also subsequently tried to refrain from being so specific and/or 'whiney'. I know for a fact that in the midst of this rap shit i cant see the forest for the trees alot of times and get stuck on the parts while onlookers only see the sum. But i cant act like that and although i feel real comfortable being open here i gotta remember that i dont know who is reading this thing and there are some things i should keep to myself for the sake of my public image

its just kinda hard being donwill and donald and knowing when to draw the line. I mean i know how to be donald, i been beein donald for decades now, but donwill is young. he aint even five years old to be honest so you gotta excuse him for his missteps.

We're tryna do better...

7 comments: said...

you know what im on now...

angie said...

Way to keep it real & brutally honest....

Sandy said...

Kudos Donald! Kudos {young}Donwill!

It would be hot if when you take on your stage name and persona, you actually were 5 again. Get off stage and be all 30 something again.

Anonymous said...

Donald emo blogs are a good read. That's why cats are here, although the creepy sidekick pics are a nice bonus, lol. Plus come June 15th whatever has you down will get drank away in some birthday madness.

Anonymous said...

this shit kinda got me depressed sitting at my desk job

Me said...

Think about it not as someone trying to become known doing this shit, but as a fan. You politicked with Large Professor, it gets no better.

motherfuck a struggle, we dancin in the rain

(young h)

Me said...
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