Tuesday, February 06, 2007

so you want the backstory? because believe me there is a backstory to be given. honestly im on the fence. a little torn about what to say here. i dont want to disrespect anyone (i dont even know if my side of the story would be deemed as disrepect, i mean i have nothing foul to say, but anything can be misconstrued) but then again i dont want to mince words. so what do you do when you dont know if what you wanna say is what you should say? you shut the fuck up...

i guess

this is my blog tho right? i mean i dont know who is reading it, which inclines me to kinda watch my mouth now. but sometimes you stumble across something that kinda forces you to talk. this is ALMOST one of those cases.

fuck that tho...

okay. i dont know if the language barrier makes putting vocals on beat difficult but im horribly off beat. maybe im not supposed to speak on it in that way, shit maybe at the level im at im supposed to just be happy its something else out there with my name on it but thats my biggest gripe with this whole thing. if you want to hear it for yourself google it or something.

im leaving so much out...

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