Monday, March 10, 2008

I drew that fish...

Theeee ennnnnd


tia said...

your fish looks like a steak.

Sandy said...

I hate living so far.

The BSP is a wonderland. *insert j.mayer response here*

Oh and I'm mad that THIS is how I get to see your artwork. On a damb fridge door (no offense filth/kris/fridge door). Rather than in a portfolio or somethin.

And yo fish look like a steak.

Theeeeee eeend.

Yours truly

Anonymous said...

is she standing behind an open refrigerator door at a funny angle? is she on steroids and strong enough to carry a refrigerator door around the crib for whoever wants to take a picture? im so confused

the fish doesnt look like a steak to me.

angie said...

I likes yo fish. Alot. The End.

Anonymous said...

that fish looks like che

UltraMag said...

Beautiful, but inedible.

You know I need my omega-3's, nicca!

Ummmm...errrr...can we see some

Unknown said...

like a steak infected with mad cow

Che Grand said...

I look like that steak-fish?
say word?
say it to my face!

Anonymous said...

more importantly, is the fish on a brick cell phone?

Anonymous said...

Eat me donald.